Your Perfect Cookie Dough Flavor Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Your perfect cookie dough is written in the stars, and we’re here to read them for you! Meet your celestial match.
PS - want to make your edible cookie dough flavor at home? The recipes for all of these flavors are in our brand-new cookbook Hello, Cookie Dough!

Dough: Nuts for Nuts
The first sign in the zodiac also likes to be the first in everything else. Nuts for Nuts is made for the go-getter spirit: more flavors, more toppings, all the best stuff packed in!

Dough: Sugar Cookie
Keywords for a Taurus are stability, safety, and elegance and my girl sugar will deliver all of these in one sweet moment. Pure and simple you always know what you’re getting with sugar and you’ll never be let down.

Dough: Brookie
The sign known as the twins is an obvious match for one of our most popular scoops, Brookie! Two flavors that are great on their own are even better swirled together a concept that Geminis are very familiar with. When it comes to Brookie, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts.

Dough: Peanut Butter Snickerdoodle
Cancer is your caring friend who frets over the guest list because she doesn’t want to leave anyone off. She scours Yelp for hours to find a place that everyone will like for happy hour. The dough that’s meant for a Cancer? Peanut Butter Snickerdoodle. It’s gluten-free, vegan so everyone can try a bite!

Dough: DunkaDŌ
Always cool with being the center of attention - Leo is more than happy to throw herself a party, 90s throw-back sprinkles included.

Dough: CommanDŌ
Pure, sweet Virgos are just like our simple, sugary Commando. Untainted by toppings or mess this dough is just the good stuff.

Dough: Oatmeal M&M
Libra seeks to find the balance in everything in life and that doesn’t stop with her dough. Chewy but creamy oatmeal is exists in perfect harmony with crunchy yet smooth M&Ms for a scoop basically made for a Libra.

Dough: Chocolate Dream
Chocolate Dream is dripping with indulgent chocolate flavors of brownie batter, oreo, and semisweet chocolate chips. Scorpios crave intensity and this intensely chocolate dough is the perfect compliment to this extreme personality.

Dough: Heavenly
Known as “the archer” a Sagittarius is always shooting for the stars! They are wanderlust-filled adventurers with wisdom far beyond their years. Up among the stars is one of our owner’s, Kristen, favorite flavors, heavenly! An adventure through chocolate and caramel, rooted in the always reliable sugar cookie is just the unexpected experience a Sagittarius craves.

Dough: Fluffernutter
Capricorns are driven to achieve. They’re applying for scholarships and winning awards and believing in more. When they finally take time for a break they want an indulgence that is as much of a go-getter as they are. Enter a dough that is sugary sweet yet bitter and complex aka Fluffernutter. Dark chocolate, marshmallow fluff, and peanut butter are a set of flavors a mover and shaker is ready to handle.

Dough: Salty & Sweet
Innovative Aquarius takes one look at chocolate chip dough and thinks, “Let’s buck tradition! What’s new?” That’s where Salty & Sweet comes in, with ribbons of thick homemade caramel sauce and the crunch of coarse sea salt - this dough is anything but conventional.

Dough: Signature Chocolate Chip
Pisces are compassionate care takers! Always ready for a girls night in or a cathartic venting session over happy hour they’re your go to when you need a friendly ear and some kind words. Our Signature Chocolate Chip cookie dough is the Pisces of doughs. That comforting bowl is there for you late night in your fridge or during your post-break up Netflix binge.